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17 Secrets Of The Master Prospectors Pdf

Doctors, housewives, ministers, parents, teachers everyone has to 'sell' their ideas and themselves to be successful. This new guide by America's #1 professional in the art of persuasion focuses on the most essential part of the sale—how to make them say 'Yes, I will!' Zig Ziglar lets you in on the secrets of his own sure-fire, tested methods:Over 100 successful closings Doctors, housewives, ministers, parents, teachers everyone has to 'sell' their ideas and themselves to be successful. This new guide by America's #1 professional in the art of persuasion focuses on the most essential part of the sale—how to make them say 'Yes, I will!' Zig Ziglar lets you in on the secrets of his own sure-fire, tested methods:Over 100 successful closings for every kind of persuasionOver 700 questions that will open your eyes to new possibilities you may have overlookedHow to paint word pictures and use your imagination to get resultsProfessional tips from America's 100 most succesful salespeopleDo what millions of Americans have already done—open this book and start learning from Zig Ziglar's Secrets of Closing the Sale!

Zig Ziglar is an entertaining speaker with a memorable voice. He is proud of his work and his career, as well he should be, and it shows.He offers a good explanation of the importance of salespeople in society and his tried and true techniques will bolster any flailing salesperson’s sales numbers. I am not in sales, but I found that Zig’s advice can be applied to other career paths as well. His sound moral advice is the cornerstone of good conduct and character and an upstanding life.I enjoyed Zig Ziglar is an entertaining speaker with a memorable voice. He is proud of his work and his career, as well he should be, and it shows.He offers a good explanation of the importance of salespeople in society and his tried and true techniques will bolster any flailing salesperson’s sales numbers. I am not in sales, but I found that Zig’s advice can be applied to other career paths as well. His sound moral advice is the cornerstone of good conduct and character and an upstanding life.I enjoyed learning how salespeople work to make a sale and what makes people buy.

The fundamentals are the same no matter what you are selling, and a successful sale where all parties come out feeling good is achieved through honest, earnest, and diligent effort. Such effort will gain the sale and leave the buyer with a favorable impression of a hard-working individual, and not one of a sleazy salesperson just out to make a buck.Zig’s methods offered insight not only into the salesperson’s role in the process, but also insights for me as a buyer. I understand what may or may not motivate me to buy, and see how a good salesperson can respond to my questions, concerns, and considerations with diplomacy and respect.I listened to this book on audio cd and the only drawback for me was that Zig was a bit all over the place. I would have preferred something orderly and logical. At several points I was thinking that Zig could have easily used his sales techniques to “sell” his sales techniques! I definitely recommend that you take notes if you are a salesperson as there is so much to reflect upon.

Let me start out with the negative first because there just isn't much. Some parts it was a little dull and outdated(at least IMO) but then again a lot of the old closes still work today. Some people may be turned off because a lot of this book is common sense but it is always good to be reminded and I find that one of the appealing things in this book because he states it in a way that opens your mind.I would recommend this book for ANYONE and EVERYONE that has a career in sales and a career in Let me start out with the negative first because there just isn't much.

Some parts it was a little dull and outdated(at least IMO) but then again a lot of the old closes still work today. Some people may be turned off because a lot of this book is common sense but it is always good to be reminded and I find that one of the appealing things in this book because he states it in a way that opens your mind.I would recommend this book for ANYONE and EVERYONE that has a career in sales and a career in anything else. Simply because everyone sells.

A teacher sells their topics to their students, you sell yourself when you go on a job interview and even when you're selling your beliefs and ideas to your family and friends. And also selling what you have to give when you're courting someone.

Maybe you're just trying to convince your husband to buy that home you've been dreaming about for so long! You get the idea, you sell everyday. Especially your child when he wants you to buy that toy. Mr.Zig gives very good insight on the psychology and what goes through peoples minds when they're being 'sold' something. I believe if you deeply indulge in this 'Bible of Persuasion' you will greatly improve the quality of your life and relationships along with an increase in sales(and yes everyone has saleslike the students that are sold onto your topic) and a happier life. And isn't that what you truly want?

What hasn't Zig sold in his life?? By the end of this book, I wanted to buy some Tupperware from a slick, southern salesman in a nice suit!Zig is a master storyteller and wordsmith. He had me chuckling out loud (not quite LOL) with his endless stories, smooth selling techniques and southern charm.I may start using language like 'Mr.

Prospect' thanks to him.The audio book was definitely more enjoyable with Zig himself doing the reading.RIP, Zig. I learned a lot from the Salesman of What hasn't Zig sold in his life?? By the end of this book, I wanted to buy some Tupperware from a slick, southern salesman in a nice suit!Zig is a master storyteller and wordsmith.

He had me chuckling out loud (not quite LOL) with his endless stories, smooth selling techniques and southern charm.I may start using language like 'Mr. Prospect' thanks to him.The audio book was definitely more enjoyable with Zig himself doing the reading.RIP, Zig. I learned a lot from the Salesman of salesman. A comprehensive guide to in-person sales techniques.

Ziglar, clearly experienced, teaches through a multitude of examples. It's about in-person selling, which is different from online in some ways. But, the fundamentals of persuasion apply to any sales situation.Ziglar is often more long-winded than necessary, but it's made more bearable by his humorous and lively writing style.Ziglar explains that he wrote the book “to help salespeople from all walks of life be more professional and successful. A comprehensive guide to in-person sales techniques. Ziglar, clearly experienced, teaches through a multitude of examples. It's about in-person selling, which is different from online in some ways.

But, the fundamentals of persuasion apply to any sales situation.Ziglar is often more long-winded than necessary, but it's made more bearable by his humorous and lively writing style.Ziglar explains that he wrote the book “to help salespeople from all walks of life be more professional and successful.”Ziglar summarizes his approach early in the book: Learn as much as you can about your prospect and capitalize on that information. Learn how to use voice inflections, which we will thoroughly cover throughout 'Secrets.'

Break the price into small segments. Optimistically sell, and be hard of hearing. Ask questions to identify the problem and lead the prospect to the decision. Find out what he needs to solve his problem, and show him how he can solve his problem with your product.A main idea is that you must believe deeply that what you offer is in the best interests of the prospect.

Then you can sincerely encourage them to buy for their benefit.I read this because I handle sales for. It was recommended by Seth Godin in.Below are my notes.The Psychology of ClosingDon’t argue, since “it’s difficult to antagonize and positively influence at the same time.”Be optimistic that your prospect can handle the purchase. Your expectancy influences the prospect's decision.“You can sell more by asking than telling.” Use the Socratic Method. Don’t attempt to “tell” or “sell,” since that leads the buyer to resist. By asking them questions, they won’t get unhappy with you because they’re giving the answers. The customer ends up persuading himself.“If your prospect wants to invest X dollars but his needs come to X-plus dollars, then your real sale is the amount beyond what the prospect had already committed, in his own mind.”“Make it easy for them to buy.” “Break it down into small amounts so your prospects can afford it.” Tell them if they think about the life of the product, it only costs X per month, day, etc.If a prospect asks for something specific and you can’t provide it, offer an alternative.

Often they’ll be open to one.Use your imagination (get creative) to help the prospect get what they want.In many cases, the prospect says no because they don’t know enough to say yes. Prospects who say no are actually asking for more info, so they can feel secure that they’re making the right decision.People buy when they want the item more than they want the money it costs.When someone objects to your price, say, “The price pause is too high?” That forces them to defend their statement instead of you justifying the price.Handle objections by asking, “If there were a way I could show you that the price is fair and the product worth every penny, would you take advantage of the offer today?” That helps determine if the objection is the price or something else. If they answer no, ask, “Then there must be some other reason you’re hesitating. Would you mind if I ask what that reason is?”Say, “Price is a one-time thing; cost is something you’ll be concerned about as long as you have a product.

Some companies can beat us on price, but we win on cost. You’re obviously cost-conscious, so can you think of any reason you shouldn’t immediately start enjoying the lowest cost?”Say, “Cost can go on forever, as long as you have the product. Below are key excerpts from the book that I found particularly insightful:1- 'If, in your heart, you really feel the sales process is something you do t0 the prospect, then you are a manipulator.

The dictionary defines manipulate: 'To control the action of, by management; also, to manage artfully or fraudulently. Manipulation: Skillful or dexterous management, sometimes for purpose of fraud, state of being manipulated.' I'll be the first to admit that manipulators make sales, but in my Below are key excerpts from the book that I found particularly insightful:1- 'If, in your heart, you really feel the sales process is something you do t0 the prospect, then you are a manipulator. The dictionary defines manipulate: 'To control the action of, by management; also, to manage artfully or fraudulently.

Manipulation: Skillful or dexterous management, sometimes for purpose of fraud, state of being manipulated.' I'll be the first to admit that manipulators make sales, but in my thirty-six years in the profession I have never known even one manipulator who was successful in the profession.

If, in your heart, you feel the sales process is something you do for the prospect, then this book could represent a significant addition to your sales library. Your benefits will be considerable because you are truly interested in benefiting others.' 2- 'You've got to establish that trust and respect with your prospects if you expect to be a sales professional. This should be obvious.

But for fear it's not, I'll spell it out. Again, you cannot be one kind of person and another kind of salesperson. You must be consistent in all areas of life if you are going to achieve maximum results in building your sales career.

That's one of the major reasons we deal with the entire person rather than just the salesperson throughout this book. This is one of the 'not-so-little' things that make the buying difference in the prospect's mind.'

3- 'People forget price but they'll never forget poor quality or a poor choice. They generally give the salesperson a generous portion of the blame. Some of that goes with the territory, but too much blame means you won't have the territory for long.' 4- 'High performers in the world of selling establish trust with customers by one-on-one, eye-to-eye communication skills. They maintain n trust by personally assuming responsibility for completing the sale, which means servicing the account on an ongoing basis and utilizing their company support people in the most effective manner. High performers demonstrated great integrity with their follow-through and belief that the sale is not complete until the product is installed and functioning satisfactorily.'

17 Secrets Of The Master Prospectors Pdf 2017

5- 'The critical step: in the world of selling is this step of honesty which is your total conviction, your complete belief that the product or service you sell is the best buy for the prospect.' 6- 'Sympathy means you feel like another person feels.

Empathy means you understand how the other person feels, though you do not feel the same way.To be truly professional you must be able to comfortably move from the seller's side of the table to the buyer's side. If you know how your prospect thinks and feels, you're definitely going to sell more of what you're selling because you will communicate more effectively.' 7- 'One myth—that a salesperson should not get involved with customer concerns other than the purpose of the sales call—was exploded, as was the concept that price isn't important and that you should 'promise them anything' to close a sale. Customers want and expect heir salespeople to be able to act as trustworthy resources who respond directly and provide them expertise, backed by effective recommendations. One significant characteristic of the high producer is his willingness to explain product drawbacks.' 8- ' H in the heart of your sales career is honesty, E is ego and empathy, A is your attitude toward you your prospects and profession, R is for physical, mental, and spiritual reserve, T is for tough—and the toughest thing is love'9- 'When the inner man speaks, the I not speak from the heart unless he truly believes in his product and/or service. This means that he must have paid the price by obtaining profound knowledge of his product or service.

One must also believe this product/service is unquestionably what the customer/patient needs.' 10- 'Almost without exception, every product or service can be sold by painting word pictures, especially if the pictures are in the present tense. As I've previously stated, we think in pictures and we buy pictures if we are painted into the picture as satisfied customers.' 11- 'It's better to have the no today than tomorrow for the simple reason it clears your mind. You can now pursue new prospects and not count on that one for a future sale. Once you do, you fall into the trap of not prospecting for new prospects and the sale you miss today will cost you sales tomorrow.'

12- 'There is one specific point, however, when I throw in the towel and withdraw my efforts to close. That point is when the prospect makes it clear—after seeing the benefits—that he has no interest and cannot or will not buy.

Until that point, however, I am going to make an honest effort to close the sale.' 13- 'I deal with and use questions in every segment of Secrets of Closing the Sale. There is no doubt in my mind that your career as a salesperson will move forward faster as a direct result of learning how to ask questions and how to use the proper voice inflection than from any other skills you might develop.' 14- 'To build a sales career, you need to acquire the knowledge made available through sales trainers, books, recordings, and seminars. With that knowledge you should weave in a poetic philosophy of life which says that 'you can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.' To the knowledge and poetic philosophy, add the common sense of the old farmer which says, 'Friend, I don't care what you do, know you've got to work and work hard at seeing new prospects and servicing old customers.'

You have a moral obligation to work so hard at building your sales career and becoming truly professional that as my friend John Nevin from Australia says, 'If anyone ever sees you coming and says, 'Here comes a salesman,' you won't let him down.' Yikes - I almost feel sacrilegious in rating this lower than a 4 star, but bear with me on this.First - the good. Zig was one of the fathers of sales. When in that context, you can't help but give this guy amazing props for his groundbreaking (at the time) ability to get to the nut of the sales process.

Secrets Of The Master Qtv

This is at a time when sales was learning to be about the customer and much about getting the sale. From an educational standpoint, if you are in sales, this is a must-read. He really got things Yikes - I almost feel sacrilegious in rating this lower than a 4 star, but bear with me on this.First - the good. Zig was one of the fathers of sales. When in that context, you can't help but give this guy amazing props for his groundbreaking (at the time) ability to get to the nut of the sales process. This is at a time when sales was learning to be about the customer and much about getting the sale. From an educational standpoint, if you are in sales, this is a must-read.

He really got things from a psychology perspective and understood how to move them to a position of making a decision. You can't miss on that front. He even often mentioned how important it was to meet the customers' needs and drive the sale to that conclusion, although it was inevitably going to be closing the sale, because obviously they need your product.

And let's just say - the guy was a word-magician - he could take any objection and show you with math or other way why buying the product is the right choice for you. To see him in action in person would have been something to watch for sure - like a TV show!So now, the 'but'. All those things were wonderful, but I couldn't help but feel queasy in my stomach while reading it. In the end of the day, because of the perspective, I couldn't get past feeling like it was manipulation. Today's sales often are about finding true 'fits' for the products that you sell. Finding the people you can help, and selling to them in a way that it's a win-win. While there are a lot of 'tricks' you can pick up in this book, I just can't help but feel that the world is changing, and tricks just aren't going to cut it.

Reading a book like the 'Apple Experience' really gives the alternative point of view on how a company can approach sales, and I guess for me, this is the method I prefer to use with my team.So - amazing book for Zig's time - truly a groundbreaking leader in sales, and was instrumental in getting to where we are in sales today. A must-read for those who like to see 'the big picture' of how sales got to where it is today.

But I think there are better books out there for salespeople today that get closer to the nut of working with your customers for a win-win. (See my profile if you want to find my recommendations!). It's hard to distinguish if he is a snake oil salesman. The audio version is fun because he can talk so fast when he gets on a roll.

I'm just gunna jot down my notes:Questions lead people to a decision. A lot of people don't know what they want because they don't know what's available.5 reasons your prospect won't buy from you: People don't buy what they really need, money, hurry, desire, trust.If you repeat to the prospector why the price is rediculous they will tell why they think it is It's hard to distinguish if he is a snake oil salesman. The audio version is fun because he can talk so fast when he gets on a roll. I'm just gunna jot down my notes:Questions lead people to a decision.

A lot of people don't know what they want because they don't know what's available.5 reasons your prospect won't buy from you: People don't buy what they really need, money, hurry, desire, trust.If you repeat to the prospector why the price is rediculous they will tell why they think it is instead of you having to explain yourself.The fear of loss is greater than the desire for gain.' It's better to invest a little more than you planned then a little less than you should. If you invest a little less than you should in the product doesn't do what you wanted it to do then you've lost everything.You can be beat on price but not on cost. Price is a one-time thing and cost as a lifetime thing. Kinda like the 'you get what you pay for' phrase.It's easier to explain price one time then apologize for quality later.Selling is a transference of feelings.I think he confuses empathy with sympathy and the two definitions.

Or maybe society has changed the definitions to fit their agendas and motives because of this whole trendy empathy kick we got going on.Salesmen have the most secure job.I like that technique of not undermining the other person's judgement. For example when he was going to buy a car the dealer told him he made a good decision with his current car and asked if he got a good deal out of it. Zig said it's the same with raising kids. If you have a kid that is going out with a boy or girl that you don't approve of you don't want to undermine your kids judgement by saying he has a crappy boyfriend/girlfriend. Abraham Lincoln would likewise present the defendants case before presenting his own.If someone will compromise once they will do it again and it's easier the second time.Ask the prospector what they think a fair price is.

I listened to the audio version of this book and I enjoyed it a lot. Zig was an amazing story teller and he provides tons of insights and tips for closing sales within real-life situations. This book is a must-read for salesperson and even if you are not into the sales business, a situation will come where you will be selling an idea, a project or yourself to someone.One thing that makes a great difference between one salesperson and another is the ability to uncover the real reason or need of I listened to the audio version of this book and I enjoyed it a lot. Zig was an amazing story teller and he provides tons of insights and tips for closing sales within real-life situations. At first I was off put by this book because it was written so long ago for a business book and because Zig can be over the top, but I forced myself to continue. I am so glad I did! I quickly realized that even though my job is not technically 'sales,' I sell (or fail to sell) everyday.

17 Secrets Of The Master Prospectors Pdf Free

Realizing this and then learning from the top sales man in the world will help us all go along way. We must decide to serve our customers. We must listen to them to understand what they need. We must do At first I was off put by this book because it was written so long ago for a business book and because Zig can be over the top, but I forced myself to continue.

I am so glad I did! I quickly realized that even though my job is not technically 'sales,' I sell (or fail to sell) everyday.

Realizing this and then learning from the top sales man in the world will help us all go along way. We must decide to serve our customers. We must listen to them to understand what they need. We must do whatever we can to fill their need.

We must believe in what we are selling. As Zig says, selling is transfer of feelings. If you don't believe in what your selling you won't sell it.I listened to the Audio version which is performed live in front of an audience.

Zig is truly one of the most inspiring speakers I've heard. I highly recommend everyone listen to the audible version. He is the master. Learn and make the world a better place!

Sales is such an uncomfortable field for me despite my confidence in the areas of communications and networking. Like negotiating, we are repeatedly told and described to be selling (ourselves or something) all the time. I don't see it in such a strict sense, but I grasp its underlyings. This book eased some tensions I had about sales and sales people. And, there are some helpful tips that many readers, like myself, may never forget. For example, it explains that you can change the Sales is such an uncomfortable field for me despite my confidence in the areas of communications and networking.

Like negotiating, we are repeatedly told and described to be selling (ourselves or something) all the time. I don't see it in such a strict sense, but I grasp its underlyings. This book eased some tensions I had about sales and sales people. And, there are some helpful tips that many readers, like myself, may never forget.

For example, it explains that you can change the decision-making process to derive at a different, more desired response rather than keep forcing the same question/focus. Zig Ziglar was a motivational teacher and trainer who traveled the world over, delivering his messages of humor, hope, and encouragement.

As a talented author and speaker, he had international appeal that transcended every color, culture, and career. Recognized by his peers as the quintessential motivational genius of our times, Zig Ziglar had a unique delivery style and powerful messages that Zig Ziglar was a motivational teacher and trainer who traveled the world over, delivering his messages of humor, hope, and encouragement. As a talented author and speaker, he had international appeal that transcended every color, culture, and career. Recognized by his peers as the quintessential motivational genius of our times, Zig Ziglar had a unique delivery style and powerful messages that earned him many honors. Today he is considered one of the most versatile authorities on the science of human potential. Ten of his twenty-eight books have been on bestseller lists, and his titles have been translated into more than thirty-eight languages and dialects.

He was a committed family man, a dedicated patriot, and an active church member. Zig lived in Plano, Texas, with his wife, Jean.